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Vineyard working community
Gruppenbild am Wingert Lese 2021

In de Munde Vineyard Working Community

IN DE MUNDE is a community of 14 citizens of Winningen, mostly non-vintners, who have been cultivating a vineyard since 2019.

The vineyard is located on the outskirts of Winningen on Distelberger Weg and is marked by our logo. The logo combines Bacchus / Dionysus and heavy metal music.

We used to play soccer together. At some point that wore off and we wanted to do something else. So we leased the vineyard and now meet regularly on Saturday mornings to work.

Horst Sünner is the only winemaker in our cooperative. Our grapes are pressed in his vinery and he makes our wine.

Klaus Kröber and Gerd Wolff have managed to maintain an old men's soccer team in Winningen for more than twenty years. This has worked for so long because we get on so well. Especially when there's something to drink.

But the reason is the tireless efforts of Klaus and Gerd, who organized the soccer matches and made sure that eleven men were on the pitch. And they have also established regular joint activities outside of soccer.

For years, the old men organized the Winningen soccer village championships. Every year there was a joint Christmas party. And every two years we go on tour together. Wow. The annual Döbbekoche evening at Erw’s house is now also legendary.

These are just the highlights.

Some of the group share a passion for heavy metal music and travel to concerts and festivals. Wacken has been on the agenda several times, most recently in 2019.

The joy of soccer is still there, but it has waned. At some point, it doesn't really work anymore. However, a hard core of former senior players ensures that we ontinue to do things together.

Where do you still have something like that today?

And then there was the idea of making our own wine together. An idea that, like a good wine, has matured over a few years.

And which we put into practice at the beginning of 2019.

Das Logo von In de Munde

Dionysos - Wine meets Heavy Metal

The Romans brought the wine to the Moselle.

„All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?“ -„Brought peace.“ -„Oh. Peace? Shut up!“
(Quoted from Monty Python's Life of Brian)

The symbol for wine is Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and fertility. Among the ancient Greeks, his name was Dionysus, the god of wine, joy, grapes, fertility and ecstasy. He owes his nickname Bakchos or Bacchus to the noise made by his entourage.

Dionysus is an animalistic god. Man and animal blur in his appearance. He is the god of ritual madness. He grabs people by their hidden desires and can drive them insane.

We are therefore convinced that Dionysus is a friend of heavy metal music. So why shouldn't we be too. In any case, Dionysus was kind to us in our first year and allowed a good drop to grow in our vineyard.

Sir Bur Burkhard Chrissie
Dieter Siebziger Gerd
Lü Das Logo von In de Munde Micki
Peter Ralf Ruedi
Sam Thomas Walter